Isola Releases IS550H Material: Interview with Experts
Interview by Nolan Johnson Nolan Johnson speaks with Michael Gay of Isola and Chris Hunrath of Insulectro about the release of their new halogen-free, high-thermal reliability material, which they hope fills the gap in the market between epoxies and polyimides. Â Nolan Johnson:…
Click on core or prepreg tab to display the materials for your design. You can right click and drag and drop a core or prepreg item into the stack up editor. Any unused core or prepreg item can be removed from the list by clicking…
HKPCA 2018, Shenzhen, China, December 5 -7 – A Great Success!
The 2018 HKPCA & IPC Show held on 5-7 December 2018 in Shenzhen, China, themed as “Inspire the Industry. Explore the Infinity,” proved to be a great success for Isola. Here’s a picture of the Isola team at the Isola booth. The Isola team engaged…