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03 December 2020

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Isostack Tool Help – Central Panel
When multiple resins systems are used, a hybrid notification will appear. Checking the shield or mask check box will add surface finish and soldermask to the outer layers. Units in mils, mm and µm can be selected. The Zoom function will compress the stack up…
Materials Electrify Automotive Circuits
Materials Electrify Automotive Circuits
Electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are gaining in popularity. Printed-circuit-board (PCB) materials are essential components for these vehicles; reliable circuits are needed to keep EVs and HEVs on the road. Raw circuit materials are key components in any EV or HEV, whether…
Why So Many Circuits ML Blog
Why So Many Circuit Materials?
Printed electronic circuits are part of everything we do, in growing numbers of electronic devices for computing, communications, transportation and many other functions. Those circuits, once so simple, now embrace many technologies, including analog, digital, DC power, and RF/microwave signal paths. To design printed…