

16 September 2022

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Isola IPC APEX 023
Isola’s Halogen-Free Materials Highlight PCB Production at IPC APEX EXPO 2023
Isola Group, one of the world’s leading developers and suppliers of copper-clad laminates and prepreg materials for printed circuit boards (PCBs), will be inviting visitors to the 2023 IPC APEX EXPO to learn more about its low-loss circuit materials. Isola’s material experts will…
Why So Many Circuits ML Blog
Why So Many Circuit Materials?
Printed electronic circuits are part of everything we do, in growing numbers of electronic devices for computing, communications, transportation and many other functions. Those circuits, once so simple, now embrace many technologies, including analog, digital, DC power, and RF/microwave signal paths. To design printed…
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Isola Group Successfully Transfers Ownership to Investment Group Led by Cerberus Capital Management
CHANDLER, Ariz., January 4, 2018 — Isola Group (“Isola” or the “Company”), a market leader in copper-clad laminates and dielectric prepreg materials used to fabricate advanced multilayer printed circuit boards, announced today that it has completed an agreement to successfully transfer its equity ownership to…