A Tour of the New Isola Factory: Investing in America
I recently toured Isola’s new 118,000-squarefoot low-volume, high-mix manufacturing facility in Chandler, Arizona. The facility’s construction began in 2020 and, like many building projects, was delayed because of the COVID19 pandemic. Building a new factory during the pandemic was certainly a challenge but the team…
How Do Material Qualities Differ for HSD Versus mmWave Circuits?
Growing use of millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies for applications such as automotive radars, Fifth Generation (5G) wireless networks, and satellite communications (satcom) mandates careful selection of printed-circuit-board (PCB) materials specially formulated to transmit signals at frequencies to 70 GHz and higher. At the same time, digital…
PCB007 interviews CEO Travis Kelly and CSMO Sean Mirshafiei in a look into the future of Isola. Travis and Sean share insights into Isola’s strategy to serve the Quick Turn Market in North America with the opening of a new global headquarters and quick…