Electronic products continue to add functions in smaller packages, even for traditionally large systems such as computer servers and wired telecommunications networks. Multilayer circuits are essential for providing more electronic capabilities in smaller sizes, often relying on highly integrated circuits (ICs) and surface-mount-technology components to…
Isola to Showcase its PCB Materials for mmWave Circuits at 2021 TPCA Show
Isola Asia Pacific will be showcasing some of its latest materials for printed circuit boards (PCBs) at the Taiwan PCB & Assembly (TPCA) Show, an event that caters to professional users of PCB materials. The TPCA Show…
Isola Group, a global leader in advanced circuit materials for printed-circuit boards (PCBs), is inviting exhibition visitors to learn more about halogen-free PCBs at DesignCon 2023. Visitors to Isola’s exhibition Booth 627 can discover how unmatched levels of electrical…