Click on core or prepreg tab to display the materials for your design. You can right click and drag and drop a core or prepreg item into the stack up editor. Any unused core or prepreg item can be removed from the list by clicking…
PCB West 2019 Conference & Exhibition September 9 – 12, 2019
For 28 years PCB West has trained designers, engineers, fabricators and, lately, assemblers on making printed circuit boards for every product or use imaginable. From high-reliability military/aerospace to cutting-edge IoT and wearables, there’s something for everyone involved in the electronics supply chain. This is one…
Isola Group, a global leader in advanced circuit materials for printed-circuit boards (PCBs), is inviting exhibition visitors to learn more about halogen-free PCBs at DesignCon 2023. Visitors to Isola’s exhibition Booth 627 can discover how unmatched levels of electrical…